First, my apologies for no Vallhund blogging recently. As you might know from Syd's Blog , we've been up to our eyeballs in puppy stuff for the last few months. And since the Princess Darby finished her championship so quickly as a baby, and Hawk enjoyed taking 2009 off from the dog shows, we didn't have much exciting Vallhund news. But that's about to change! Darby has just started her agility class, and I'm afraid, very afraid of her level of intelligence.
And, The Hawklet is back on the blog, and he's getting ready to hit the show scene...
Here's our handsome boy. And guess what? He actually has a name. No longer "The Hawklet," although I still call him that all the time, baby boy is now known as
Caval Outrun the Sun at Hurrikane or he'll affectionately be known as Jasper or Jazz.
Jasper is currently on "spring break" in Florida with our friend, and Darby's co-owner, Cheryl. It was a last minute change of plans literally less than 24 hours before his travel, but everything worked out, even though I'm missing seeing the little guy in person. Cheryl says he's really sweet, he's not barky, and he's still super smart. Of course, I have no doubt he is smart, after his early inclinations toward genius when he lived with me. :-) This photo was taken the first day after his arrival, and Cheryl said it took just a few minutes to teach Jasper to free stack like a real show dog.
The little man sure reminds me of his daddy, and I can't wait to see him again. . .