Monday, May 17, 2010

Vall Crowd

There were a bunch o' Vallhunds at the Perry, GA shows this past weekend (photo by Laura). I won't try to remember the names of all the dogs, but people (L to R), Kathie, Sarah, Louise, Cheryl, Rebekah, Debbie, Sharon. Four days of dog and bitch majors, so eight majors available. It was nice that of the eight majors, five different dogs all picked up a major. A couple of dogs picked up two majors, Jasper (The Hawklet) included.

We weren't there long, but it was fun to see everyone and all the Vallhunds. After a quick SV get-together lunch at Cheryl's RV on Saturday, Laura and I hit the road and headed back to the midwest. Much more about our adventures, and lots of pix in later posts!

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