Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Hawklets! The Hawklets!

NO words necessary, they are 3 weeks old in these photos, and I'm completely in love!


Janet said...

oh my! tooooo cuuuutttttteeeee!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

they look like tiny bear cubs! Adorable!

Lybertygirl said...

OHHHHH - now I REALLY want one! I love puppies!

Sherilyn said...

OMG!! How adorable! How can you NOT want one!!!

Sarah said...

So, now I've heard they look like otters, gophers, bear cubs, and moles. I think as newborns they look like bats, and we teased that at 10 weeks, Darby looked like a baby Coyote. I guess by the time they get to be 4 months old, they might really look like a dog finally. :-)

Oh, and some have asked me about the different nuances in their coloring. Um, all I know for sure is that they are all grey sable. Whether they end up with the tan/cream points like Hawk has, the silver that mom Mele has, or something in between, I don't really know. We'll just see how the continue to cook, and for now it's a mystery. :-)

Euro said...

Congratulations for a big litter to Daddy!


penni said...

Really cute babies! Good job Hawk.

ocmist said...

OOOOooo PUPPIES! I can just smell that wonderful puppy breath!!! What a BIG litter. Congratulations, Daddy Hawk! OC